8.7.15: Ableton User Group Berlin mit Moritz Simon Geist & seinen Sonic Robots

Sonic Robots

Am Mittwoch, den 8.7.2015,  trifft sichdie Ableton User Group Berlin in der Panke (Wedding). Hierzu sind alle interessierten Ableton Live User aus Berlin, und auch alle, die gerade zu Besuch in der Stadt sind, herzlichst eingeladen. Egal ob Anfänger oder fortgeschrittene User, alle sind gleichermassen willkommen. Die Kommunikation wird auf deutsch wie auf englisch geführt.

Wir freuen uns, diesmal Moritz Simon Geist mit seinen Sonic Robots zu Gast zu haben. Euch erwartet eine spannende Präsentation über: How to make Techno – with robots!

The artist group „Sonic Robots“, led by and robotic musician Moritz Simon Geist, present performances where electronic music is created live by … Robots!

In this talk, Moritz will give an insight look into the world of robotic noisery, acoustic robots and music hardware techniques. He will present some of his instruments.

The first part of this talk provides an overview of the different concepts and approaches for robotic musical instruments. The second part deals with the technical implementation in software, electronics and mechanics. The following topics will be discussed in detail:

• Why it is good to be a music hacker and why it is bad to use presets
• Where robotic music came from and where it could envolve to
• Explanation of common robotic techniques
• Controlling mechanical latencies
• Capturing sound without microphones
• Structure and electric control, Arduino, Power
• Mechanical parts, actuators and 3D Printing

„Sonic Robots is treating some important questions of the future, like the perception of technology, the robotization of society or the artificial intelligence, but still comes in a very playful and entertaining way: through electronic music.“ (Alain Bieber, ARTE)

Video MR-808 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFxJztQUGjw
Audio: https://soundcloud.com/simongeist/fluc
Video Live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqoPPkRODSE&feature=youtu.be
Webseite http://sonicrobots.com/glitch-robot/

Ableton User Group Berlin  Meeting
Datum: Mittwoch, 8.7.2015
Zeit: 20.00 Uhr
Ort: Panke, Gerichtstraße 23, im letzter Hof (V) rechts.

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