13.01.16 – Ableton User Group Meeting Berlin

RustWe are very glad to welcome Simon Hayes, a.k.a Swarm Intelligence.

Swarm Intelligence’s latest album „Rust“ on Ad Noiseam heavily features the use of field recordings, with a focus on found metal objects and abandoned spaces. Please check https://adnoiseam.bandcamp.com/album/rust

In the upcoming meet-up, he will take us through the selection of microphones and techniques he uses to accomplish this (using Live 9 and Push 2) and build a track in the process.

Swarm Intelligence’s artist page: facebook.com/swarmintell

Date: Wedenesday, 13.01.2016
Time: 8 pm (on time!)
Admission: free
Location: Panke, Gerichtstr. 23, Hof V., close to S-Bahn Wedding
Please check the website of Panke to make sure to find the place: (http://www.pankeculture.com/)